Scroll through to find where harm reduction connects in your life.

Workplace and personalized

offers available!

photo credit: @danaisa1999

Harm Reduction High

Trainings tailored to the workplace.

  • Harm Reduction 101

    An opportunity to learn or revisit the basics of Harm Reduction. You will walk away with the principles and practices of harm reduction. Address stigma through an exploration of language that improves communication and elevates perception. We will explore realistic and evidence based approaches to respectful and meaningful interactions with people who use drugs.

  • Overdose Education

    Learn how to prevent, recognize, and respond to an opioid overdose. Elevate the overdose response in your home, organization, and community.

    Training in intramuscular and nasal (Narcan) naloxone available.

  • Street Outreach

    Take it to the streets. Learn about the value of taking non-judgmental service to where people are. If you are a volunteer group of genuine givers, or a professional setting looking toward ways to better your relationship and services for the people you serve, developing a harm reduction based street outreach effort is key! Break barriers, reach harder to reach members of your community, heal past wounds between provider and participant, develop trusting relationships that lead to more positive outcomes.

    This training is designed to work with groups who are planning to take information, resources, or services to the streets. We will cover basics of outreach, safety, culture, and the value of meaningful engagement.

If you are an organization that would like to elevate your approach to care, by taking a closer look at the principles of harm reduction and how you might incorporate them more into your training and services; Harm Reduction High is a great place to start. Perhaps you find yourself asking how do we build trust with the people we serve? What other services should be available? Contact me to bring Harm Reduction High into the workplace.

*Sliding Scale Training Fee

Harm Reduction Home

Personalized Harm Reduction in the Home

  • Understanding the Basics

    If you or someone you care about is actively using substances this information may be for you. Whether you are curious, need more information, struggle with constant negative outcomes related to use or relation to others use, this is an opportunity for a new understanding that will put new tools in your toolbox of survival and communication. Understanding the Basics walks you through Harm Reduction basics with real life application.

    Hitting walls with what else there might be to support you on this journey? Tired of the same messages of abstinence only and traditional recovery models as the only option? Join me in learning more on how “just quitting” may not apply.

    *This content can be greater understanding of harm reduction in general for the non-using person, and/or it can include specific harm reduction info and practices tailored to where you are at with your own use.

  • Overdose Prevention and Response

    Learn how to prevent, recognize, and respond to opioid overdose in your home and community.

    Are you or someone in your home/family at risk of an opioid overdose? This is an opportunity to have a personalized conversation with a Harm Reduction Specialist, in your home. To assist with dialogue and preparedness around potential opioid overdose in the home.

  • Wellness Boundaries

    This is a personalized conversation about where you are at, where your loved one is at, and how you continue to support on a journey toward wellness for all.

    An opportunity to meet with a Harm Reduction Specialist to explore how you might sustain in reaching out your heart and hand to the people closest in your life as your family navigates the realities of substance use.

    The truth is that there are truths on each side of this journey and several of those truths lead to exhaustion, resentment, lack of trust, complete burning of bridges on both ends. The truths can be beautiful and deeply painful all in one. And the truth is, when it is family, it becomes even more raw and the boundaries further blurred.

    Do you find yourself asking “How else do I help?” “Why won’t they quit?” “They are my child, I can’t bail on them, but I can’t do this anymore.” “What else can I do?”

    There is no easy answer, and it does not always result in the tips and takes we may find most comfortable, but this is the practice that can sustain and reframe the relationship between someone who uses drugs and the people who love them. It is love.

    This is a conversation, tailored to you and your story.

Whether you are an individual who uses substances, or a person who cares about someone who uses substances, Harm Reduction Home is a place built for you to start, restart, continue, and receive real information and support for you and/or your family. Contact me to bring harm reduction into your home.

*Donation-based Home Offerings Fee

Contact me.


Anti-Discrimination Policy

Raven Hoopes is committed to diversity and to equal opportunity for all attendees. Raven Hoopes does not discriminate on the basis of race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, age, height, weight, physical or mental ability, HIV status, veteran status, military obligations, or marital status. This policy applies to all trainings and opportunities for advancement.